On Monday evening, the jury of the Doing Good CSR Awards 2024 awarded GLAMOUR magazine with a Special Mention for its content editing concept and work, which was launched almost a year and a half ago and which the editorial team formulated as a Roma quota concept. The aim is to present the Roma minority in a positive and authentic way – as one of the very few pioneering media – in the Hungarian media through an editorial approach that focuses on the active participation and involvement of Roma journalists and content creators.
“Our aim is to ensure that the life, values, successes and role models of the Roma minority are not just a topic in the media, but become part of the cultural and social dialogue through real, active creative participation. Let them represent themselves as editors, reporters, content producers and, of course, speakers. It is very important to change the representation of Roma people in the media: to make it more realistic and to adopt an approach that is acceptable to the minority, that is constructive, not stigmatising or schematising. This is the principle we follow in our publications, and we would be most happy if other national publications would follow this example”, said Krisztina Maróy, editor-in-chief.
In our photo you can see the employees of GLAMOUR magazine and its publisher Ringier Hungary, but special thanks to Melinda Csáti, who is responsible for the Roma quota concept, as well as all the GLAMOUR editors and the Romaversitas Foundation, with whom we share the recognition and thank them for their valuable cooperation!